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COVID-19 Screening Test
Rabies Serology for Pets

The Virology unit at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge is a US-CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/importation/dogs/approved-labs.html) recognized laboratory for rabies serology for pets as dogs, cats and ferrets by performing the Fluorescence Antibody Virus Neutralization (FAVN) test.

The total cost of the serology testing is $150.

  • The current form should be used and can be downloaded from here
  • This form should only be used for rabies post vaccination serology in animals.
  • This form should not be used if there is a suspicion of clinical rabies.
  • Use one submission form per animal.
  • The test result will not be valid for the Pet Travel Scheme unless the submission form is completed in full and signed by the submitting veterinarian.
  • Test reports are sent only to the submitting practice unless otherwise requested on the submission form. Duplicate reports may subsequently be provided but only with the written consent of the submitting veterinarian.
  • The animal’s microchip number must be read before the blood is taken.
  • The result of the serological testing will be expressed in International Units per milliliter (IU/ml). Samples with a titer greater than the end point of the assay will be reported as ≥ the upper limit of the test.
  • An antibody level greater than, or equal to 0.5 IU/ml is considered an adequate response to vaccination for the purposes of pet travel.
  • The maximum test turnaround times are 6 weeks after samples submission.

The maximum test turnaround time is 6 weeks between sample reception at IPC and available pdf certificate, excluding mailing time for hard copy certificates.

Required sample

  • A minimum of 1ml serum (preferable) or 2ml clotted blood should be sent in a plain tube, marked with the owner’s name, animal’s name and microchip number.
  • Please send the sample(s) with completed submission form(s) in an insulated leak-proof bag or container label the package with the following: veterinary practice name, owner’s name, date

Completing the submission procedure

Submitting domestic samples to IPC

  • Pack sample and corresponding printed, signed and stamped submission form into leak-proof bag or container and label the package with veterinary practice name, owner’s name and date
  • Send/deliver sample(s) and submission form(s) to:
    Institut Pasteur du Cambodge,
    5 Monivong Blvd,
    Phnom Penh


  • Samples should be sent to IPC within 3 days after sample collection.

Submitting international samples to IPC

  • Payment has to be done before submitting the sample via our website
  • Shipment has to be organized by veterinarian or pet owner themselves.
  • Shipment has to be performed through DHL at ambient temperature.
  • Samples have to be declared as non-infectious serum and with a value of $10.
  • Sample(s) have to be packed into leak-proof bag and subsequently placed together with completed submission form(s) into a shipping bubble bag.
  • Samples arriving to IPC later than 13 days after collection from the customer will be rejected with no refund possible.
  • For traceability reasons IPC logistics team ([email protected] and [email protected]) must be included (cc) in DHL communication
  • Send to:
    Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

    c/o Rabies pet serology

    #5 Monivong Blvd,

    Phnom Penh, 120210,



    Mobile phone numbers: +855 12 885 683, +855 12 282 945

    Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

    IMPORTANT: Advance payments cannot be refunded for any reason

Before clicking the link to follow the procedure online, please make sure that you already have filled, signed and stamped the submission form