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A New Entrance for Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

The renovation of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge on Preah Monivong Boulevard, finds a balance between the accrued need for safety and a renewed sense of welcoming.


A glass brick wall is erected on the main boulevard screening entries while allowing transparency to the renovated entrance courtyard. Behind, two newly built pavilion containing a travel sampling facility and a waiting room will bath in a beautiful filtered natural light.


The flow is simplified by the new architectural configuration while sanitary risks are better controlled. Visitors will be channeled from a front reception through a gallery, under a light metal structure complemented with lush planters.


Bloom Architecture

During the renovation of the entrance of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, we are open as usual:
Monday to Friday: 7:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday: 7:00AM- 11:30AM