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Two scientists from Institut Pasteur du Cambodge attending the Pasteur Japan Symposium 2022

Dr. BOYER Sébastien and Dr. DUONG Veasna participated to the Pasteur Japan Symposium 2022 on the France-Japan cooperation on Health, held at the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Tokyo (IMSUT) on November 2nd and 3rd.


The symposium has the objective to discuss and present how to respond to outbreaks and how to be prepared for potential pandemic, and to determine how Japan and France could cooperate to prepare for the next pandemic.


Through the France initiative and cooperative actions, and Pasteur Network, the responses to previous outbreaks such as Ebola, Chikungunya, and Zika were presented. Moreover, experiences during the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the Monkey Pox outbreak, and surveillance for the potential emerging pathogens were shared and discussed.


Dr. BOYER Sébastien presented the answers to Chikungunya epidemic in La Reunion Island, plague and malaria outbreaks in Madagascar, and also presented upcoming projects for future collaborations with scientific partners in Japan. Dr. DUONG Veasna presented how the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge in collaboration with Pasteur Network responded to outbreaks in Cambodia (sars-cov2, monkeypox, influenza and arboviruses).

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